
"Illuminated emancipation, freedom, unalloyed and untainted bliss await you, but you have to choose to embark on the Inward Journey to discover it."

“Yoga teaches us to cure what need not be endured and endure what cannot be cured."

”A yogi’s brain extends from the bottom of the foot to the top of the head. A crooked body means a crooked mind.”

"It is through your body that you realize you are a spark of divinity."

“Words cannot convey the value of yoga – it has to be experienced.”

“The rhythm of the body, the melody of the mind & the harmony of the soul create the symphony of life.”

"When you inhale, you are taking the strength from God. When you exhale, it represents the service you are giving to the world."

"Yoga is a light, which once lit, will never dim. The better your practice, the brighter the flame.”

"Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit. When one is free from physical disabilities and mental distractions, the gates of the soul open.”

“Body is the bow, asana is the arrow, & the soul is the target.”

“Change leads to disappointment if it is not sustained. Transformation is sustained change, and it is achieved through practice.