July 11, 2013 -- Acupuncture: A Natural Health System for Pain Relief and Overall Health Enhancement
A very special presentation at Inner Life Yoga Studio, "Acupunture: A Natural Health System for Pain Relief and Overall Health Enhancement” by Dr. Thakersi Tolia, a medical doctor and longtime trainer and practitioner of acupuncture in Mumbai India. He has come to Morgantown to visit his son’s family and has been attending the 50+ and Level I classes during the weekdays at the yoga studio for the last few months. We are very fortunate to have someone with his expertise in medicine and natural healing in Morgantown.
Many of diseases of modern society and their associated symptoms have not been cured or alleviated by modern medicine. Many diseases including chronic pain are alleviated and in some cases cured by acupuncture. Find out how acupuncture works and why it can be more effective than modern medicine for certain diseases and symptoms? Acupuncture is a form of treatment designed to balance the vital energy and restore normal functioning without drugs. It is a drugless, economical and safe treatment without side effects. A little needle cures many diseases.
Dr. Thakersi Tolia received his medical degree from the G.S. Medical College and K.E.M Hospital, Mumbai, India. He is the Chairman of the International Academy of Scientific Acupuncture. He is a practicing Acupuncturist and gives acupuncture training to qualified medical graduates. He has been practicing acupuncture and teaching for more than 33 years. He has trained more than five-thousand doctors in Acupuncture. He has received fellowships from the Korean Acupuncture Association, Acupuncture Foundation of Sri Lanka and Acupuncture Foundation of India. He has presented and organized many national and international scientific conferences and free treatment camps in India.